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juenbi tome - juenbi@aol.com

Not to be beat, The Surviors must do just that. First you will need the basics. One oil rig for now, and three power stations. Place the oil rig to the west oil field within the canyon, mark all rigs to the first power station. Upgrade, upgrade. Keep an eye out for attacks from within the tunnel. Divide your forces into small numbers. Once you have snipers place three groups of five, one directly to the west of the tunnel entrance with a flamethrowing ATV to their south, the second to the east of the entrance back about five person width, and a third just north of a power station in front of the tunnel.
These strategic placements will allow them to kill the swarms of wasps that are to come. Start building units and upgrade your machine shop. Build about 4 groups of five snipers and about four barrage craft and three atvs and three anaconda tanks. Line these defensive groups just east of the southern entrance to the canyons, build three more oil tankers and set a rig on the now defended oil field. You can build bombers if you like, but they are not necessary. Keep extending north with two groups of snipers and a couple atvs follow the next groups to where the first groups had secured and the rest is easy.



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