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Toll gate can seem difficult, but if you move quickly at the beginning I think you'll find it a lot easier. Charge south at the beginning of the map, leaving your oil well to set up at the nearby splotch. Set up your outpost to the north of the first clump of trees, then plant a power station to your north and your machine shop to the south over the other side of the trees, near the road. Plant most of your units on the road, but keep some to the north near the oil well to protect it from the odd group of scorpions and monster trucks that will attack from the north. The CPU will be attempting to ferry tankers and units along the road, and if you are fast enough you can wipe out that tankers before they can reach their operating area. This will reduce a lot of the pressure on you, and you will eventually be able to set up other oil sites, then roll over the enemy as if they weren't even there. have to say that this is actually one of the hardest missions in the game. What you need to do it to set up your base about a screen up and to the right of where your units begin. This base position should place you directly between two oil patches, one on the right and one on the left. From this position, you can easily defend the choke point in the cliffs just to the north of your base. The first thing to do it to place your units just back from the choke point, as a defensive line. With your units holding this line, you need to develop your oil routes to both oil patches, with at least two tankers on each run. Once you've consolidated your position here, you should upgrade your Outpost to get guard towers. Don't bother with the base level tower, build four of the missile batteries at the sides of the choke point in the cliffs. By this stage, you should be able to successfully defend against any attacks from the north. Soon you'll probably find that you're running out of oil. You'll have to expand to the right (over the river) and possibly up towards the enemy's base. The way to win this mission is to send a bunch of flame ATVs and tanks up the right of the map, round the back and into the enemy's base. At the same time you should attack him up from your base to take out his lower drill rig.
By this stage you should be in a pretty unlosable position and it's just
a question of finishing off the rest of his buildings.
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This is how it goes....train as many swat guys as you can...nothing has a chance!!! TOTAL DESTRUCTION VERY QUICKLY! . |
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When the mission opens move everything west across the river and as far up in the cove as possible. Drill from the patch that is inside the cove. This is easily defendable so build up all you forces there and place them at the southern entrance to your area near the trees. Make sure you drill the oil patch that is slightly east of you as well. These are pretty good patches that won't run out. You will also need to put a decent size force northeast towards your original position because small bands will try to attack there but they will eventually stop. Don't forget to reinforce this group!!! It would suck to have giant scorpions all over your camp.
While keeping enough defense start launching attacks all the way east
along the main strip . There you will find a scorpion factory and oil rig.
Keep launching attacks until you have enough troops to leave as an occupational force in this area. This will prevent the computer from rebuilding the area. You are now ready to attack the main camp. With everything you've got head south then west along the main path and destroy everything in site espescially the other oil rig. Continue your path of carnage and make those freaks pay!!!
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At the very start do not build where you are, instead move southwest just below the river. Than get your oil rig inplace in the small area that you now own. place your troops at the opening of the camp and proceed to set up your outpost down close to the canyon wall. than build 2 power plants to get your oil coming in. Now build a machine shop and start producing 4x4 trucks (permanantly) close to the the entrance. Soon the troops will attack from the south and the north after you ensure the troops to the north have been wiped out, get a 2nd rig at the oil you passed near the entrance of you camp, along with a 2 more power station close to it. Now begain producing basic infantry also permanantly. Once you have a sizeable force move south toward the road than go west and whipout the oilrigs than continue south to the buildings, meanwhile 4x4 trucks and infantry are pouring out at your base. While clearing out the buildings with the 1st force group up the 2nd force and head to the road but instead go east this time clearing all who stand in your way. When you reach the edge of the map you'll find whats left of the enemy. Then proceed to KRUSH, KILL & DESTROY. . |
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I get lotsa mail asking about this one, and I can't understand why. The Achillies Heel of this mission are SWATS. I won by Sticking SWATS on infinite build. Call it lame, but It works. Once I had a reasonable sized force of about 25 SWATS, and all the starting units, I went SW and took over the little installation comprising of 1 mach. gun nest, 1 beast enc. and I think, 2 Rigs. Once your force crushes it, Take and Hold the area by sending reinforcements of about 15 SWATS. The computer will lamely try to rebuild the stuff. I took great pleasure in letting them get almost complete, then destroying them.
N.B Always keep 10-15 guys at you base to plug up the entrance N of starting area. AI gets heaps of reinforcements from there.
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My strategy was a little different from the one listed. First off, IIRC, you only get one upgrade per building. So Flame ATVs and missile batteries are out of the question. I got worked over when I sat around and built up forces, so I tried something different - I took all the wheeled forces I was given and immediately swept south, crushing their small base. I set up my oil and put SWATs on infinite build for defense. The 3-6 ATVs that survived the initial rush took a LONG time to kill the enemy buildings, but just keep pounding them. You take out the main building first, then pound the blacksmith for a while until they rebuild another hall. Then pound that for a few minutes. Keep doing this until they run out of money. Everytime they send a tanker over knock it out and re-kill their derrick. Eventually you'll have enough power at your home base to send out two groups of troops, one to each of the other Evolved areas - the little base to the east and the oil joint to the south. . |
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This one drove me nuts for about a week, but then in a flash something worked. I perfer moving my forces in around the west side of the river just when it juts out by the little semicircle so you're in between two oil patches. Build power plant one east of the river where the outpost is, but just remember to make it close enough to river so one can get one there. Then make a power plant near the other oil patch. Make sure you spread the build out so it doesn't get bunched up. Upgrade the outpost to get a missile battery or two and put them on the front line, then upgrade the machine shop and don't forget to cover your back because there are some "freakers" back east of the river.
Once you have a good defense on the main front build up forces east of the river and while they're attacking sneak in and destroy them!!
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At the start of the mission send all your units east and then north and then east a bit more to get to a mutant encampment. Destroy it! Set up your outpost there and put your derik on the oil. Build two power stations and a machine shop. Keep building ATV's. If the computer tries to build anything back destroy it and then place a unit in that area to stop it building it again. With the computer low on funds (as it keeps building deriks to place near your base) you will eventuly have enough time to build up an attack force and destroy the mutants!!! . |
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Your starting forces are plentiful. Take everything you have and move down to the south-east corner of the map. Krush, kill & destroy everything there. Establish yourself with two power stations (build downwards from basin top, so you can place the stations next to the oil patch). Use remaining forces to ward off enemy, support them with swats. Use a flamethrower to wipe out anything the AI tries to rebuild. Build a nice armored force and walk west.
Quick attack at the eastern camp will leave the AI baffled. If it didn't try re-establishing the lost base the level would seem pretty tough. This way it's not.
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Move all stuff to the west cove, keep all units & vechicles out side while you make a good base of two power plants, two machine shops,and anything else you want.
From there I have only one thing to say... A.T.V.!!!!!! Build about 10 of them to go north, 10 to go west. After you've wiped out the top half, group the remaining atv'sand make sure you have over 10 atv's left ( If not just build more!!! ) charge southwest watching out for two guard towers from there CHARGE!!
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I looked over the strategies here, and tried every one - even just building lots and lotsa SWATs - and none of them worked for me. So, eventually, I came up with my own. Simple enough, first thing to do is move your outpost and derrick down until they're between the clifs. Second, send all your military to wipe out the towers and derricks. Then, develop a little. Don't sit and do nothing, so they roll over you later (they CAN and WILL build up faster than you if you let them!), but don't send all your units out NOW IF NOT SOONER; you'll loose more than you have to. Set your derrick up on the spot they just 'involuntarily deserted'; it's safer than to the north right near the beginning. If they try to rebuild the towers, make destroying them top priority. But get your power station and machine shop up and running! Build another soldier or two, and then go after the town hall right there. Blow it up, and the tower; then, the blacksmith. They're the most important targets this early. They will try to rebuild, but don't worry, that's easy enough to deal with. If you can take out that base and develop your own (don't forget the 6-or-so scorpions and the trucks from the north...), you can take advantage of the game a bit here. If you leave your units down on the hills to kill the buildings as they're rebuilt, then build a force to choke off the road. They will send a few tankers initially, and later military forces, but they'll be sent to reinforce the town. If you choke off between the woods, and make them go north through your base, you can wipe them out without them even shooting back.
Build up. :) After a little while, you can just send out a few tanks to kill whatever happens to be to the east.
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Ok, my strategy is very simple, go stright to the south-east at the begining, where you can find the first part of Evolved base. Attack it directely with you forces and when it's all destroyed, build your base there. It is easy to defend and the oil is already protected. build some SWAT to prevent AI to rebuilt the base and construct the maximum of vehicule to destroy the Evolved attack waves. When your force is strong enough, rush to the other part of enemies' base and destroy it. Remember to keep some units in your base when you send your final attack because some CPU forces may remain in the map and might attack your base.
That's it.
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I traveling during this mission a lot and found out the easiest was to beat it . First, you should not build where you are because you will always be attacked. What you should do is build your base at the bottom right where the Evolved oil rig and Beast Enclosure are. Once you destroy them you won't have anymore trouble from the othe side. You should not build infantry only tanks since the computer mostly uses infantry and monster trucks which will run over. Once you have built tons of tanks go west, destroy the guard tower and kill them all!!!! . |
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I found this mission to be one of the easiest Survivor missions of the game. At the start immediately send all three recon bikes due west to your base and place the rest of your forces a little ahead of your convoy. ALWAYS make sure the convoy doesn't get ahead of this force. Your 3 dirt bikes should be there pretty soon and immediately build all the atv's you can (8) and send them to the abandoned town that your dirt bikes passed. By the time your starting forces and the convoy get there, your 8 atv's should get there. When the tankers first go into the town, a whole crap load of evolved infantry come at you from the north and the south. DON'T PANIC - this is actually easy to take care of - just run over them with your 8 atv's! The next attack upon your convoy will be from the rear, so move your atv's to the rear and defend against the dire wolves and motorcycles. You shouldn't lose anything in this battle because the enemy will be going after your tankers, whick are tough. The last attack upon your covoy will be from the north of your base all the way to the west. This attack is actually just a monster truck and mixed units. All in all you should lose only a couple of units. If you simply can't beat it with your forces then do this: send you 3 dirt bikes to your base and then send them up on the mountain to the south of your base, then send them due east until you see this tall metal box that will open when you ride by it. It is a tech bunker and it contains a awesome robot. Send the little mech robot to your convoy at the abandoned town and see the robot take care of everything.
I hope this works for you. If you have further trouble then e-mail me at juparker@mindspring.com
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What you need to do is this.......DO NOT PUT YOUR BASE WHERE YOU START OUT. You will not finish the mission. Take all of your forces and go West then South. Take out the the installations there. The stupid evoled will keep trying to build a power station about 10 times then quit. They will also send a rig down once or twice and try to build the beast enclosure once again. Just use a flamer to take them out. Next set up base, you need about one or two power stations and a machine shop. There is hardly any room so compact the building in. Next make swat. put it on infinite. SWAT IS THE FEY TO MISSION. After you have about a hundred or more swat attack. Make sure you have about 10 ATV's. While you are waiting set up the swat in lines. It is even better when put them in a horse shoe shape. The enemy will rush in middle of it.HAHAHAHAHAHA.to make sure they do this put some bait in the middle like a riffleman. When you do attack, take out the towers at the entrance first by spliting your forces in two. One half take out one and the take out the other. When one finishes a tower help out the other.YOU NEED TO KEEP YOUR FORCES TOGETHER cause if you dont the chance are slim that you will finish. |
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Well I got this really kool strategy, ya see, what ya do is...... You have to first send two or three dirt bikes to the mutants' east base and destroy their machinegun nest (the bottom one) and then destroy their oil rig and then send more Swat then use the Swat and the dirtbikes to destroy the rest of the base! While you're doing that take anything and make a sort of a round shaped line to not let the mutants shoot at your base. Also keep the three Flamethrowers north of your base including some swat or the Assault Riflemen. |
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Well I hope you will believe me but this a little nuts, what you do is...... You will have to go down to their base, destroy the guard towers and then you will see one of the enemy derricks. Destroy it so that they don't have supplies to use. After you destroy that derrick put yours there and build one power station. Meanwhile, you crush their clanhall. But they will still build more, once they build another one you just crush it and so on. Build your outpost to the left of the derrick. Once the outpost has been built, you build infinity Riflemen and swat. That will keep busy while you crush their base. When you are finished with all the crushing, you simply take half of your troops to the right of the map. Go anywhere, kill anything, you should do the rest. your friend,John |
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First you build your base. Then you build swats infinitely. Build about 5 or 6 ATVs. When you have 50-60 swats, take 3 quaters of your swats and attack there base at the lower right. The other quater is for defense. You should have no problem attacking the base on the lower right. After you wipe out that base send ALL of your swats and the ATVs and destroy the base at the lower left. NOTE:wait at least 7 min. before you start your first attack. |
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Well I got this really kool strategy, ya see, what ya do is...... Setup a derrick on the nearest oil patch. *Quickly* take your flamers and a couple of ATV's to the south-east of your base where you will find some scorpions and monster trucks, keep on going to the east and you['ll find a pissy base with a beast enclosure a power station, and 2 machine gun towers. Engage the machine gun towers one at a time, first with your ATV's so the enemy will target those, and then with your flamers to finish them off. Destroy the beast enclosure; every time it is rebuilt in almost the same spot. Meanwhile, you should be building a lot of SWATs and some ATV's. Position these at the top of your base, to destroy the scorpions and monster trucks that occasionally come from there. With the beast enclosure gone, just build up heaps of SWAT and ATV's, and attack the main base, to the south west along the road. When the enemy attack you throughout the level, they'll only have men; so for minimal losses on your side run them over with ATV's. |
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Dangit, It's not that I'm bad at RTS games, but I just couldn't manage to beat the Evolved in this mission. I took me a while to understand that unlike in Command and Conquer, infantry is far more important. My strategy at first was to swarm them with ATV's, but I then learned how important the SWAT guys were. In basis, do not forget your SWATs, and you should beat the mission fine. The only opposition apart guard towers is in the eastern base, and the reinforcements only fight once past the clan hall, so have a force to intercept them. Also, once you destroy the Eastern Rig, the trucks will pour out (all four of them) of the base to the Western rig, so your interceptor force can get them. |
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Well I got this really kool strategy, ya see, what ya do is......First move all of your troops to the south of where you started. Then, you will see a oil patch. Build your oil derrick at the patch then build your outpost beside it as far as possible. Build a power plant (DON'T BUILD A MACHINE SHOP) near your oil rig then start building SWATs - about 80. While doing this, you should use all your starting forces to attack the west base (The units should be enough to leave some flamers). They will try to build their Clan Hall and guard tower. Stop them by using the remaining units you have left. By then, you will be attacked by their Monster Truck and Scorpions. Be patient, your SWATs will take care of this. Then KRUSH KILL N' DESTROY their base at the east with your SWATs . |
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OK - I am no expert, but this is how I learned how to beat this, and many other levels..... First step - build your oil rig, and move most of your forces just above it. Now, If you aren't a scared little wuss, set up base right around where you begin. IMMEDIATELY build two power stations, right next to the dang rig if you hafta! (later, when you have more money, make a third station - this is IMPERATIVE if you are going to set up base where you start). OK, your first order of operations should be to set SWAT AND those other dudes with rifles to infinite, and tune out their talking. When you get about 15 guys, set them up IN A LINE, going vertically at that narrow pass in the cliff above you, cause the enemy is gonna fry your butt if you don't. Basically, the key to winning from this point is to set up HUGE lines of fifty (that's pushing it, but it's REAL fun to watch about fifty or so bullets fly every second, and don't rely to heavily on ATV's, except as lawnmowers for evolved (c:{ ) infantry punks right where the path splits in two, and don't be afraid to set up a repair dock, cause the only way to get rid of those pesky scorpions is with ATV's. Also, when you can set up maybe 4 blocks of 5 infantry (20 guys, and it's really not much) at the mouth of the right branch, do so, and attack the base to your left, first taking out the oil derrek, then waiting for re-enforcement, and continuing. I found it wise to send some, like no more than the size of a block of infantry or artillery (I use block as a term of size - the size of 5 crammed infantry) down the Plateau to the right of the enemy base, and have it get as close as possible to the enemy derreck. It should be able to kill the oil trucks after they pass by twice each. |
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Well I got this really kool strategy, ya see, what ya do is......you take all of your units over to the east. Then you set up your base and wait for a few attacks. The most attacks will come from the south but you will get a few from the north. Build up an army of about 7 or 8 ATV's and take them south and turn east and you will find a power station and an amimal thing guarded by two towers. Take the two towers out right away and go down for the derrick. After you blow that up, take out the power station and the tanker. then go for the animal thing and blow it up. Keep your guys down there because they will try to rebuild it all. From there on just build up your army and attack to the southwest corner and Krush Kill 'n Destroy. |
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What you need to do is this.......DO NOT PUT YOUR BASE WHERE YOU START OUT. You will not finish the mission. Take all of your forces and go West then South. Take out the the installations there. The stupid evolved will keep trying to build a power station about 10 times then quit. They will also send a rig down once or twice and try to build the beast enclosure once again. Just use a flamer to take them out. Next set up base, you need about one or two power stations and a machine shop. There is hardly any room so compact the building in. Next make swat; put it on infinite. SWAT IS THE KEY TO THE MISSION. After you have about a hundred or more swat attack. Make sure you have about 10 ATV's. While you are waiting set up the swat in lines, it is even better when you put them in a horseshoe shape. The enemy will rush in to the middle of it. HAHAHAHAHAHA. To make sure they do this put some bait in the middle like a riffleman.
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Well I got this really kool strategy, ya see, what ya do is...... you build at least 18 ATV's and set them to defence duty and they are invincible to any attack by the reds. Then you train about 45 swats and attack the little settlement south west of where you start from and there they have beastery, power station, two towers and a rig - wipe that out to make them weak then make a huge attack on the main base. |
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The most fun strategy for me is: 1) Move your outpost NW until you're in the cove and Drop. Kick on infantry. SWATS now. 2)Send all but 1-2 ATVs and 4x4s to the choke point where the trees and cliffs come together. This will hold off the small amount of resistance from the Reds. 3)Set up two stations as close to the oil as possible to allow for the tankers to travel quickly. 4)Turn on Infinity ATVs on the machine shop. 5)Take your existing Flamers, SWATS, a few new SWATS, and couple of new ATVs and move north and take out the Monster Trucks and scorpions. (Protect your flamers!) Send your remaining new ATVs and SWATS to the South choke point. 6)Take your victorous north team and move to the far east camp, take it and occupy that territory. 7)When you return to base camp, you will have a load of Swats and ATVs. Move them south to the existing force. 8) Select the entire force and RAMROD south killing anything RED you see. Be sure to crush the rioters with ATVs. |
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The easiest way to win that I found is to build your base (like the general says) directly between the two Evolved camps, on the road. And do this RIGHT AWAY, before the first big Evolved sally comes roaring in. There's an oil well there in the hill cleft you can milk rapidly if you build your hall and power station right next to it. Make a line of five ATV's and a mess of swat-guys to your west to take out the steady flow of mutants, and a slightly smaller force to accomodate the scorpions that come from the northeast and east. In fact, simply let those latter attackers into your base, and they'll run directly into the rear of your western forces and get killed. ;) Everyone gets veteran quickly, then smash the east base and the west base in order. |
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Well this mission drove me crazy until I tried this. What you have to do is take all your forces at the beginning including outpost and derrick then go to the south east corner and take out that little group of freaks, towers, creature farm and all and setup your base there. Put swat on infinity and keep a group to keep destroying the creature farm when they try to rebuild it. When you have a sizable force of swat simply charge the west end of the map. This strategy worked on the first try for me though you should wait a while while they send the monster trucks and scorpions at your swat. Good luck. |
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Well I got this really kool strategy, ya see, what ya do is simply, charge east. There are actually two bases. The one in the east contains the beast enclosure which gives you problems when they produce scorpions. Follow the road and wipe out the whole freaking base. Place your group at the entrance and build up your base. They will try to build up their base again, but destroy them with your first group. Consider that as a DEFENSIVE element. Then quickly build up your OFFENSIVE group and charge west VIA the road. Produce up to 20 Swatguys and 20 rifleman with 10 ATVs. Guaranteed to wipe out the next freaker base. That means MELTDOWN! |
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This is probably my favorite level. Move your units first to the west, till you come to the oil that bubbles to the surface. Then you move your fighter units to kill the scorpions and the monstertruck. Send your oil derrick to the oil in the south and deploy it. Then send the mobile 'base' east of the oilrig. Make a power station to the right of the rig. After, place your units in a line going from south to north to the west of the base. Build a 'carbay' anywhere and build many ATVs and put them north of your base. Refresh the wall the whole time and keep building. Then you send a demolition team (ATV, Swats, riflemen and others) to destroy the base west, where all these scorpions came from, (that don`t kill at all) and stay there. Make another team and destroy the oilrig in the east. Get ready for an attack if you fail to destroy and kill the units. Then you just simply Krush Kill `n` Destroy. |
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At first you start with one mobile outpost, an oil derrick and a little army. You start in a place where there are four entrances, one in the north, one in the east, one in the south and one in the west. What you have to do is go to the west and go till the screen stops scrolling and you'll end up in a valley with one entrance only and one full oil lake; then set up your base and KKND!!! note: this works for me!!! |
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The key is to get yourself set up as quickly as possible. Protect yourself to the north with four or five platoons of swat members of about 6-8 per. They'll take care of anything coming down to attack you. Keep them off to the side so as to give the uglies room to try to get by, they won't. Set up 2 power stations and 2 oil rigs, Send about 20-25 swat members east, then south down to the road, they'll pick off anything coming from the base that will eventually be coming after you. Protect yourself to the north and keep spitin' out the swat teams. Once you're secure, take out the bases. It took me a while to figure it out but once I did I kicked butt. |
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Well I got this really kool strategy, ya see, what ya do is...... Move all stuff to the west cove, keep all units & vehicles outside while you make a good base of two power plants, two machine shops,and anything else you want. From there I have only one thing to say... A.T.V.!!!!!! Build about 10 of them to go north, 10 to go west. After you've wiped out the top half, group the remaining atv'sand make sure you have over 10 atv's left. ( If not just build more!!!) Charge southwest watching out for two guard towers from there. CHARGE!! |
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