KKND - Krush Kill N Destroy

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"Build an Outpost"

Matan "KKND" Gilat - tomgilat@inter.net.il

Well I got this really kool strategy, ya see, what ya do is first send some troopers to the southwest with one biker. Then send the derick and another bunch of troopers with a 4by4 to the southeast.Now just build THREE power-stations and destroy the mutes attacks.

Piotr Stasiak - piotres@free.polbox.pl

Take Derrick and all your forces south, under a rocky bridge. Set an Oil Rig on a splotch. Enemy will appear mainly from the west, but some also from the south. They’ll be attempting to krush your base, not the defenders, so it’s easy to eliminate them. Remember, that you can use your Tanker to splat the freakers’ infantry.

Collect 5000 credits and watch the movie.


Oliver D

I'll refrain from substituting K's for C's. So far this was the one mission that took me, like, three tries. First, take all your men and accompany the derrick to the oil site. Once there, you need to protect yourself from the south, and to the west. To protect the south barrier, which is close to the rig, keep 1/2 your men around the cliff. For the west, stand against the other cliff, right next to the slope where those freaks come out and just blast them before they know what happened. For this defense you use the other 1/2 of your group. Oh, and most importantly, keep making power stations. Once you have 3 or 4, you won.

CP - cptheman@toegether.net

I am not like most people who sit and wait for the freakers to come to me. First I send my whole force down to the oil rig. Nex I split them into 2 groups. One to gaurd the southern entrance and 1 to guard the northermost entrance. Then I build another power station and put swats on infinite. After I have made a group (20 to 30 swats) I go down to the southern entrance and take the defenders of that entrance with me to Krush the freakers. Then I hurry to get back to give help to my comrades. Once I get there I leave to go crush the last of there army with all of my men. There should be only 2 motorcycles and a monster truck left. If you did this very quickly you might encounter more. Never forget to check up on your other defenders and your base. You can do this in the opposite order (go from the northern entrance to the southern entrance) but I found that it was better going in this order.

kelvin Au - Kelvin@pl.jaring.my.

Piece of cake. Build 20 bikes and send them to protect. Build a p.station nearest to the rig. Wait for the tanker to collect $5000. YOU WON.

Simon Yuen - Na

Build your base where you start. Send half your men and Oil Rig south until you are under a bridge, move your Oil rig south east until you can drill your Oil rig. Train more men and protect your Oil rig. When you have enough money build a lot of 4 time 4 Pickup to block under the bridge but leave a space for the tanker to go under the bridge. Keep defending and eventually they will have no men.

Bob Johnson - bobgeedog@hotmail.com

I got this really kool strategy, ya see, what ya do is......Just keep it together!!!! Send some bikerdudes out with a 4x4 and scout. When you find those Evolved FREEKS draw their fire and then come in with about a 5 deep line and knock them on their butts! Then go after them and draw the fire and flank around and destroy their heavy firepower.

CP - cptheman@toegether.net

I am not like most people who sit and wait for the freakers to come to me. First I send my whole force down to the oil rig. Next I split them into 2 groups. One to guard the southern entrance and 1 to guard the northernmost entrance. Then I build another power station and put swats on infinite. After I have made a group (20 to 30 swats) I go down to the southern entrance and take the defenders of that entrance with me to crush the freakers. Then I hurry to get back to give help to my comrades. Once I get there I leave to go crush the last of their army with all of my men. There should be only 2 motorcycles and a monster truck left. If you did this very quickly you might encounter more. Never forget to check up on your other defenders and your base. You can do this in the opposite order (go from the northern entrance to the southern entrance) but I found that it was better going in this order.

Daniel Hall - jch@

It's really quite simple . What ya do is take your whole party which includes your mobile oil rig to the south where unless you're blind there's a rocky bridge. Go under it and voila there's a big pile of oil waiting to be mined. In the process split the men into two groups and kill.


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