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"Close Encounters"
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This mission didn't seem too hard but sending your initial scorpion up the right side of the map to a little nook in the cliff under his rig will make it a lot easier. This will allow you to take out four of his tankers with little resistance - his vehicles will take the most direct route to your camp. If the few infantry who come across it destroy it, send something else up. There is also a tech bunker to the bottom left of map an obviously essential addition to your arsenal in defeating the symmetrics!! . | |||||||||
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I'm not sure if this is the right mission but oh well... The first mission you can use beetles on is fairly easy. First, make about 4 elephant shotguns up north. Send a wolf rider to the southwest corner to pick up the big robot. Once you have a couple of beetles and mastadons, go northeast of your base. Your beetles will be able to reach the enemy's tankers while they try to gather oil. After that, it's all over but the cryin'... . | |||||||||
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You will notice there were 3 oil patches around... Do not go for all of them at the start... Koncentrate on the one next to your base and upgrade your Clan Hall twice as quick as possible build 2 tankers if you can afford it also... When you have enough money build 4 towers up the top where they kome through and this should stop any inkoming troops there. Make sure you also build about 3 mechanics to be ready to fix towers once they get to red as they will over time take some damage. Now expand your base left... Make sure you have a few troops and enough oil for about 2 towers on the left as they will start attacking on your left too... Just kontinue expanding to the far left and you can find the 2nd oil patch down and the 3rd oil patch and the far left.
As long as you have enough defence and mekanics holding them off you
should easily get enough money for a huge Giant Beetle army that you can krush the enemy with.
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This mission is pretty easy if you do the following things. First send down a wolf rider to the tech bunker near the bottom left corner and get that high tech killing machine back up as fast as possible. Secondly, as soon as you can move onto your base and send the masterdon up the extreme right of the map until it comes to a nook under the cliff near his oil rig. Don't order it to fire, just let it sit there and do what masterdons do best. Besides taking out a few infantry on the way up it will attack and eventually destroy all his tankers leaving your enemy with a severly diminished supply of raw materials. Most of his mechanised units will take the more direct route to your base, but if it does get destroyed be persistant and send in another one. If your like me and try to get two oil rigs running it should be easy after repelling the first few assualts to up your tech level quick and bust his ass with some bombardier beetles. . | |||||||||
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Easy mission...take your elephant, and go down to the southeast, past the two missle batteries, behind the derrick, and take it out. Then you go make two oil derricks, sticking them at each of the oil patches in the south. Remember to pick up the robot at the tech bunker below. Upgrade everything, have around six tankers getting oil, and build a couple of guard towers guarding the choke points, to the south and to the north. It's really easy from there. . | |||||||||
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Ok frist thing you do you send your wolf guy down to the bottom left-hand corner of the map. Then while the wolf guy is going down to the place that you sent him to, split your troops as evenly as you can. Put the first group by the oil rig then the second group by the cliff above you. As for your wolf guy tell him to open the teck bunker you just found. Now build up your camp. Then build a rig for a oil field on the lower right hand of your map. Then build a second power station. Now start pumping out some guys. When this is happening upgrade your blacksmith to the max. Then pump out some oil tankers and send them to do they were meant to do. When you are getting the oil tankers upgrade all the junk you have to the max - you have a strong oil supply so you can pump out any thing. As you make more and more units you may get bored - this is a good time to use wolf guys to explore. Once you hear "EARTH BLOOD LOW" it's time to raid with all you have. You should now be able to kill all the slugs with your groups. . | |||||||||
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The first thing you need to do is move your troops up north of your base where the the creek is. Set up your troops and put the creatures and the vechicles in the back of the troops. Then start building three or four power stations, beast enclosure, ect...ect... Send a dire wolf down south and explore there. You will find a major weapon there......a Tech Bunker. Some hints on saveing your base. Have two drill rigs, upgrade everything to the max and build oil tankers spliting them in half for the two rigs.(MORE MONEY)Get an other clan hall start building infinite shotgunners and on the other infinite flamethrowers. Build four grape shot canon towers just north of your base. After you have gotten well over a hundred troops (maybe close to two hundred troops) and lots of creatures attack the survivors base with every thing you've got. You will lose about half cause of the damn missle towers so take them out first before they take you. ![]()
| The first thing you do is you go to the Tech Bunker to the sw, then you take the bot to the east side of the river walk along the cliffs until you spot the oil rig up on the cliff. Get as close as you can and leave him there, this will start destroying there tankers if you get it right (cutting off part of their oil supply). Then take a Dire wolf to the nw corner by running past the missle batteries. Then get on the opposite side of the derick from the missile battery and start shootin! Continue until the derick is gone, but be sure that when the wolf makes the last shot off there is no truck in the derick. If there isn't one then they barely realise it's gone! After a while they'll be out of oil then you build an army of beatles and destroy the batteries and city. *Note:If when destroying the derick you blow it up with a tanker in it this plan WON'T WORK!!!!!! ![]()
| The first thing you need to do is move your troops up north of your base where the the creek is. Set up your troops and put the creatures and the vehicles in the back of the troops. Then start building three or four power stations beast enclosure etc...etc... Send a dire wolf down south and explore there. You will find a major weapon there......a Tech Bunker. Some hints on saveing your base. Have two drill rigs, upgrade everything to the max and build oil tankers splitting them in half for the two rigs.(MORE MONEY) Get another clan hall, start building infinite shotgunners and on the other infinite flamethrowers. Build four grape shot cannon towers just north of your base. After you have gotten well over a hundred troops (maybe closer to two hundred troops) and lots of creaters attack the survivers' base with every thing you've got. You will lose about half 'cause of the damn missle towers so take them out first before they take you. ![]()
| Well I got this really kool strategy, ya see, you first make a couple of motercycle and side cars. Then send them up, run them through the missle batteries and into the northwest corner. Then just let them start shooting up the derrick there, this will limit their oil supply. The only problem is that they send in a new derrick, and a gun boat to take out your motercycles. Sooo just send a couple of others up there to do it again. ![]()
| Well I got this really kool strategy, ya see, what ya do is go down and get the Mech. Once you have it, take the Mech north of your camp and you'll see a destroyed building. There is a little pump thingy which you send your mech right on top of. You will see an enemy oil rig. Don't tell your Mech to do anything. He'll shoot at the tankers himself. Now, get 2 Power Stations and another Derrick. Send the derrick to the southern oil. Tell your tankers to go to the oilrig you start with first. Okay, next, upgrade the beast enclosure to build Beetles. Get at least 14 of these. Then, upgrade the clan hall to sappers get some scorpions. You really don't need these, but you can get them if you want to. Now, back to the Mech. The enemy has another oil rig. They will use the resources they get from this to build tankers to replace the ones your mech blows up. Because of this, the enemy won't attack you. They eventually send a Barrage Craft after your Mech. When your mech is killing it, make sure he keeps moving so he doesn't get hit by the missles. When you have 14 beetles, go in and attack. Target the towers first, then the power stations, then take out the other buildings and wipe the stinking Symmetrics of the face of the earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() |
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